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What is a shipping company?

What is a shipping company?

In response to the question of what is a transportation company, it can be said that a transportation company is a company that carries...

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What is transportation?

What is transportation?

To get familiar with the concept of “transportation”, it is better to know more about this word first. According to what...

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Project and transport of heavy equipment

Project and transport of heavy equipment

Crocodile Company is one of the most experienced companies active in the field of heavy transportation in Iran. We are...

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Shipping services

Shipping services

“Seti” International Transport and Travel Company has been registered in the Iranian Shipping and Ports Organization and has obtained a...

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Packaging and clearance

Packaging and clearance

“Crocodile” company is active in all customs of the country with a special license from the General Organization of Customs...

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International and domestic transport services

International and domestic transport services

International and domestic transportation services are one of the most prominent and distinctive services that Khat Saba Company offers to...

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